'Food & Spirit is a philosophy and creative program using ancient traditions and modern science to help you become free from nutrition for body, and embrace nourishment for your whole self, encompassing seven different aspects of your being. It looks at all of you and your life when it comes to your relationship with food.'
Being someone who struggles with weight issues, this program truly resonated with me. I can recall throughout my teenage and college years and even until this day, trying all sorts of diet and weight loss plans. I can probably say that I have tried them all. I would be successful but the result would never last and I would often fluctuate 30 lbs up and down and every several years, the cycle would continue. As an educated and conscious being, I knew this was not healthy nor was it really just about my weight. I needed to develop a better relationship with food.
So when I came across Deanna Minich's program, she spoke to me about my my lack of nourishment of whole self, that it isn't just about the food we eat. Below material is taken from her website. www.FoodandSpirit.com so you can see the relationship between foods and intention.
'We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us be much more than what we are.'
– Adelle Davis
In the Food & Spirit teachings, we learned a wealth of current, SCIENTIFIC-BASED NUTRITION information with a complement of the deeper, psychosocial aspects of eating and the symbolic meaning of foods which often goes unrecognized. These teachings include the WISDOM OF THE ANCIENT TRADITIONS and texts such as Ayurveda, the Vedas, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in combination with the knowledge of 21st century functional and integrative medicine.
These unified concepts are represented within Food & Spirit as SEVEN DIFFERENT ASPECTS of one’s being that literally correlate with a major endocrine gland and SYMBOLICALLY CONNECTED TO SPECIFIC THEMES AND COLORS.
The program is quite intense, guiding you along the way to successfully implement F&SPP protocol. The intake form alone allows you to identify each aspect and also a whole view of your client's state of wellness.
With this program, you see that food is so much more that macros or timing but we can start to look at food as a light source, as each piece of food has it's own energetic signature. I look forward to completing this program and sharing all of its wonder with all of you. Stay tuned as I complete a final exam and case study in the works!