Featuring 'WELLS' of information to complement your WELLNESS. These include MOVE WELL videos, READ WELLfor books/articles I am currently reading, some of my favorite FOODS and brands for EAT WELL, BEAUTY WELL for my favorite products, ENERGY WELL featuring energy harnessing techniques including CRYSTALS and their properties, the newest WEBLOG posting, and EVENTS that may be going on in your neighborhood.
Seem like a lot? I hope so! I am happy to be sharing with you some curated material to better guide you in your day to day. That is after all what WELLNESS is about - small steps in your awareness of every day choices. Dip into any WELL that you may need more of and enJOY your PATH of WELLNESS.
Simple hip opening routine that I incorporate daily! No time to work out or sitting at your desk all day or perhaps you just landed off of a plane, try this short routine and your body will be grateful! Click on image or this LINK for video.
If you know me at all, you know that I am one to find the source of an issue and with THYROID conditions on the rise, it makes you wonder, WHY the epidemic? Is the THYROID really to blame? This book has great insights as to what could be behind the THYROID condition plaguing over 14 million people in US alone. If you or anyone you know may be ailing with a THYROID condition, this book has great ways to support your healing outside of the conventional route and highlights ways your body has the potential for self healing.
Click on image to purchase.
What's my one supplement I can not do without? PROBIOTICS. It helps regulate your digestive system, promotes healthy gut microbiome, supports your cardiovascular system, immune system, and even mental health. This brand, GARDEN OF LIFE, is my favorite but I do recommend changing brands every so often for variability and maximum outcomes. I absolutely love all Garden of Life products - great quality and vegan. ;)
Purchase at Whole Foods or any health food store, in the refrigerated section. I don't recommend ordering through AMAZON or online as it does need to remain refrigerated for viability.
This is one product I could not be without! Rosewater maintains proper skin pH, hydrates, is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory - heck, there are way too many benefits to list. AND it's inexpensive. This brand is my absolute favorite and I have tried more expensive brands and nothing compares. Buy it on AMAZON. Or click on image to purchase.
Remaining on a gluten free diet, the one thing I miss the most is pasta. And most of the gluten free pastas out there are not necessarily 'clean' and labeling it as gluten free does not mean it's good for you. Finally a brand with no corn, fillers, or gums, just rice flour and quinoa, non GMO, and organic. Tastes pretty good too. I use this brand to make all of my pasta dishes including my vegan crab mac n cheese. Yum! Clink on image to take you to the Andean Dream website. They even have quinoa cookies!
Our personal energy is a metric we all need to pay better attention to. What drains your energy? What gives you energy? We are very much like our phones. Too many tabs open, energy drains. The newest iOS system upgrade, apps run more smoothly and less energy drained. And so what can we do daily to pay better attention to our own energy levels? How do we reboot our energy or upgrade our operating systems to take on more energy? It's not about removing things from our lives because we want to live FULL and VIBRANT and EXCITING lives, no? So we need to AMPLIFY our selves by using our ENERGY WELL. We'll look at different ways to do so but this month, we look at CRYSTALS.
They're all the buzz these days! But do they work and how? Well crystals are actually used in many things we use daily. Computers, cellular phones, watches - and why? Crystals are great conductors of energy! And each crystal has specific properties which is why they look and feel very different and because of these properties, each crystal harnesses a specific energy and whatever energy it is you are looking to cultivate, channel, or possess, there is a crystal that can conduct that for you! This week, I highlight SELENITE.
Calming and soothing and protective. Clears and opens higher chakras and great for meditation. Cleanses the aura and your space. Self cleaning crystal and also amplifies other crystals. Removes energy blockages and can also reverse the effect of free radical. Good for spine and skeletal system.
WHAT'S HAPPENING IN NYC 2018 Isaac Asimov Debate
I am such a science geek and this yearly event is one that I hope to make in person one day. It typically sells out within hours of announcing and this year they opened up a lottery for tickets and that too is closed! BUT they do air it live and I make sure to be present for it. Next week, Feb 18 at 7pm.
Isaac Asimov suggested three laws of robotics as ethical standards in the development of Artificial Intelligence. But with the advancements in technology for our homes, transportation, medical field - are we really ready?
Click HERE for past debates. And click on image below for more details on this years event.
PRIMITIVE TALK RADIO LAUNCH! episode 001 | a monologue.
Click on image below or HERE to access podcast and let me know what you think!
PTR episode 002 - Finding What Makes You Feel Alive with guest Louise Ganitis, coming soon!