Follow along as RYAN HOYME - Massage Nerd asks these questions.
Listen to the whole recording or jump to a specific topic! WARNING: It's a super long one!

00:00:00   INTRODUCTION - How did you get involved in the massage therapy industry? What school did you attend?
00:02:31   JOB HUNTING - Do you see many massage jobs out there now? And if so, in what industries do see them?
00:03:21   SCHOOLS/ENROLLMENT - Do you see school enrollment decreasing which is directly impacting the increase in jobs?
00:04:30   NY STATE REGULATIONS - Recent changes to NYS requirements for LMTs and CEd providers
00:05:57   CURRENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES - What areas would you see more growth for employment? Spa setting, Fitness and Medical settings
00:08:36 HOSPITAL SETTING - Working in a special medical setting: expectations and requirements
00:10:48 NYC MASSAGE THERAPISTS - With the cost of service in NYC, do LMTs charge more?
00:13:10 COVER LETTER - What typical things would go on a Cover Letter for a massage therapist?
00:15:35 INTERVIEW - Best practices, Resume, Cover letter
How to choose the right fit for an employer? How many pages should your resume be? How to dress for interview? How to prepare for the hands on component? To whom do you cater your resume or cover letter to?? What could therapists do better in their interview? Good to ask about wages? What questions to ask regarding advancement opportunities?
00:29:15 MODALITIES/SPECIALTIES – With all of the choices out there, how do you choose a specialty?
00:31:23 MASSAGE LAWS/INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS – How do you stay on top of the legal requirements of the profession? How do you choose the right insurance? (I begin to sound like I am underwater at the end of this so be patient!) Liability insurance and accessory tools.
00:34:55 FIND AND CHOOSE THE RIGHT CEUs – Where do you find classes to take aside from the internet?
00:36:28 TEACHING HISTORY – How long have you been teaching massage? What kind of training do massage educators receive nowadays? Teaching students new to the profession vs teaching therapists with vast experience. Challenges with educators today.
00:42:04 STUDENT CHALLENGES – Even new to the college setting, what are the challenges the student may face? Exploring body mechanics, self care and boundaries.
00:45:29 MY TEACHING CAREER – Do you see yourself teaching massage therapy for many years?
00:46:30 GRADUATE STUDIES PROGRAM – What does the program entail? How is it different than other CEUs available out there now? (More on this later.)
00:47:52 MENTORSHIP – Why it is important not only after graduation but during school? How to seek a mentor? (More on this later.)
00:49:56 TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT – Do you see the advancement of technology changing the learning experience?
00:51:40 GRADUATE STUDIES PROGRAM – What is the future of this program and where do you see it going? How it’s catered to the advanced massage therapist.
00:54:15 HOW TO RE-IGNITE THAT SPARK – What we can do to maintain a healthy and lengthy career? Key ways to remain passionate.
00:55:41 MEET UP GROUPS/COMMUNITY BUILDING/INFORMATION SHARING – How to find or develop a community of like interests? Value of sharing and remaining engaged with other professionals. Bigger mission. Resolving conflicts.
00:59:45 (Underwater until next 01:02:01)
01:02:26 FINDING MENTORS – What are some of the best ways to find mentors? Why have a mentor? Finding those that are willing to share their knowledge.
01:04:52 PROFIT MARGINS – How do you keep track of your profit margins? Offering service discounts/adding value and maintaining profits. Analyzing schedule and managing your business.
01:09:12 BUILDING REPEAT BUSINESS – One of the hardest things is for a therapist to build a repeat business. What are some of your tips?
01:11:57 FUTURE OF MASSAGE THERAPY – Where do you see the future of massage therapy? How does massage therapy integrate itself with the holistic approach towards wellness? How do we remain engaged with the current increase in wellness/fitness?
01:16:43 CLIENTS/SELF CARE – What is the best way to make recommendations for our clients for self care?
01:17:42 NETWORKING – Reason to network with other professionals? What businesses are best to network with? How to be strategic with your networking to support your business?
01:20:54 BEST JOB IN THE WORLD? – Do you really think we have the best job in the world and why? 
01:22:14 HEALING IN THE PHILIPPINES – Indiginous to Filipino culture. Religious and spiritual in nature. Hilot – ancient Filipino art of healing.
01:27:35 DIVERSITY – The value of being particular with diversifying your work and remaining committed to growth.
01:31:18 SOCIAL MEDIA – How important in Social Media for a massage therapist? How can we benefit? Wide reach of Social Media.
01:34:37 MY PERSONAL GROWTH – What avenues do you see yourself going to in the next couple of years? Development of META4 – developing case studies, preparing to teach own techniques
01:36:42 META4 – Can you describe more about your personal style META4? Understanding how our body stores movement patterns and how it stores pain and approaching the body this way. Developing long term change not just in physical movement. Progressive not aggressive.Getting past self limiting barriers with body work to live a more optimal life.
01:42:44 WORDS OF ADVICE – Any words of advice for new massage therapists out there?
(I had plenty. No surprise there.)
01:45:06 HOW TO FIND ME! – What’s the best way for people to find you or contact you?